Yeah, I'm back again!! hehe!!! I've posted this picture because people dont know what I look like, hehe. Many activities have been done in the span of 3 weeks. It was a long time before I had a time to update this. So, to start things first, I would write here what I have done this day, Monday, June 16. I went to Intertouch in Alabang, where I found out that one of my college classmate was a trainee there, but the funny thing here is I got lost going to that place, One reason for that is I don't really know where are the jeepney located with the route
sucat kaliwa, because all I know was the other route which is
sucat kanan. Well, I've tried to ride the Merville drive because I was already late in that appointment, and then I thought It was far but when I saw the pink towel miles away from me, I was like
what? I've already passed the building? so I' ve stopped in that place and started to walk. It was really hot and I was so sweaty hehe! and then finally Ive reached it. That was quite a relief! So, I just waited in there for my Interview(By the way it was located at the 8th floor of the building) I was the last to be interviewed and I was so hungry at that time already. And then Ms. Mica called my name, saying she will interview me. Well, Ms. Mica is very beautiful, she looks a like out staff in our school. So, she interviewed me and asked me the typical questions. Then she suddenly asked what are the things that I am good at. Well, I said that I loved photoshop and Blogging, and then she kinda wondered to me and ask what is my blog address. So, I told her my blogspot and then she kinda... I don't know, Her PC just suddenly playing music and I kinda suspect that she visited my Blogspot. Well, its not really a big deal, But majority of what we talked about is about blogging and it kinda motivated again to be active here, even my template is not that good. I just wish that I would be considered in that job. hehe! Well, that's it, It's already dark outside and I have to cook our dinner.
ADIOS!!! :)